There is no reason why Montana should rank 49th in the country in wages. That is why I have decided to dedicate my time, energy and resources to fixing our economy. I hope you will join me. Please sign-up on this site to stay informed of our progress.
While Oracle continues to hire Montanans for jobs in Bozeman, many former RightNow employees have started or joined dozens of other firms around the state that are already hiring. Our transition from “The Last Best Place” to “The First Best Place” has begun!
Let’s do this for our kids, grandkids, and the welfare of all Montanans.
February 26, 2014 @ 11:24 am
Mr. Gianforte,
I recently relocated to Montana from Pennsylvania for a position with a public school district as the Director of Technology. After being in my position for a few months and getting to know other directors across the state, I am surprised at the overall status of education and technology integration. The lack of infrastructure and basic connections such as affordable high speed Internet is a major problem across the state.
I am currently one of nine members of the SBAC META (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium /Montana Educational Technologists Association) committee charged with assisting school districts in taking on-line exams. This is a huge undertaking considering the amount of rural districts without any technology infrastructure or leadership. In conjunction with the Office of Public Instruction we are conducting a test in March to determine what districts have the basic technology capabilities to participate in statewide student testing. Once we have the results, then the tough questions begin. How do we address these downfalls and get the educational system in Montana up to speed?
After hearing your position on the radio and reading your website, I believe you are on the right track. It is just a matter of making it a priority and not listening to the negative. I came from a rural district covering 375 square miles that had nothing for technology. When I retired it was one of the top districts in the state for infrastructure and technology integration. Yes it was a lot of work and determination but that is what it takes to get things done.
Montana is a beautiful state with hardworking people who live an active lifestyle and demand a better life for their children. S.T.E.M is the way to get our children the education and skills for career opportunities in the 21st Century. This all starts with technology in education. Without an effort on our part to make technology a priority in supporting S.T.E.M., the future of our children here in Montana are limited.
If there is anything I can do to help you with your efforts, please let me know.
Mr. Brian J. Norwood